Alternative and Complementary Therapies
/Alternative and Complementary Therapies I Use:
I have been using my Osteopath Dr John White, the Founder of Osteoworks, for many many years and he has helped me though my back pain, neck pain and pins and needles in my feet with great success. Before I was diagnosed my back pain and pins and needles were always thought to be from my job as a nurse and the disc degeneration in my L5/S1 discs and it was treated that way, it did help but never went away for longer then about 4-5 months. During that time he has given me techniques to use to help me with my posture and what to do if my back was to feel like it was about to spasm again. In the last 12 months before diagnosis, I've had 2 serious back spasms where i've ended up in the Emergency Room unable to move let alone walk and 2 near back spasms where I just 'walked' it out like he told me to and that prevented me from ending up in hospital. After Ive seen John I feel like I can stand taller and breathe easier. I've not only just seen John, he is very busy, so if i've needed an appointment sooner then when I can see him I've seen one of the other Osteopaths and they are all just amazing. When I was seeing John for the same problem over and over before I was diagnosed, he suggested for me to see the Massage and Acupuncturist Therapist in the practice, Ryan Mulvahil. I do still see John but don't need to see him as regularly as before as we have combined Osteopathy with Massage and Acupuncture.
Massage and Acupuncture
I was seeing Ryan for about 3 months before I was diagnosed and he was treating me with massage and acupuncture for my lower back and tight iliacus muscles. When I was seeing Ryan I was still getting pins and needles in my feet and up my legs and starting to get a change in sensation on my abdomen and back. My walking was also starting to suffer, I had little to no balance and got a very unpleasant bout of vertigo. This was the start of another attack, but I persevered with this therapy because even if at the time it didn't help much, except I found could walk a little better for a few days after, it helped me to feel relax. I had my GP appointment for the revealing of my MRI results after I had treatment with Ryan - but I already knew what it was and gave Ryan and John the copy of the MRI report that I got and they were both very supportive. I have continued with the Massage and Acupuncture post diagnosis and I do find that I feel really good after treatment. I can walk better and have a sense of better wellbeing after each treatment. It may not be for everyone but it does benefit me as a whole.
I choose to you a natural vitamin from a company called Melaleuca, I use all of their cleaning products, skin care products and hair products and I feel good knowing that is good for my health and the environment.
Vitality for Women - Just a basic womens multivitamin.
ProvexCV - A blend of grape skin and seed with ginko biloba to support normal healthy blood pressure and promote circulation. The blend of grape skin and seeds contains one of the few antioxidants that can cross the Blood Brain Barrier.
Cell Wise - Contains natural vitamin E which helps protect the cells from free radical damage, Natural Coenzyme Q10 a powerful antioxidant that neutralises and scavenges free radials and Concentrated Omega 3 Fatty Acids to help maintain a healthy heart and to help with brain health.
Vitamin D - Vital for skeletal health and immune system health.
Berocca - for the Vitamin B's and minerals
Other alternative treatments for MS treatment include:
I choose to take vitamins and none of them clash with my Tysabri, so what can it hurt? We all need good circulation, good brain health. So i'm going for it and no i'm not going out and eating grass as my Neurologist told me not to do (ha ha). I'm not trying to push these particular vitamins onto anyone, they are just the ones I choose to use because I know they are natural. If you do want to try vitamins do a bit of research for your own peace of mind and find out what works your particular situation.
For more information on Grape seed extract click here .
For more information on Complimentary Therapies click here.